In most of Europe, 2019 is remembered as the year when all historical temperature records were broken during two heatwaves at the end of June and July. The thermometer approached or exceeded 40°C over most of France, with an absolute record of 46°C in Languedoc.
Yet the full statistics show that this summer of 2019, although hotter and drier than normal, as enjoyed a slightly more moderate climate on average than the surrounding years 2018 and 2020. The average temperature was slightly lower, and some occasional light showers falling when needed most throughout the season allowed the vines to withstand the heatwaves with little damage and the grapes to mature without suffering from the extreme drought they experienced in some other years.
This (relative) moderation of the climate is expressed in the character of the wines, which are deep, fully ripe and yet fresh, fluid and flowery. The vintage will develop for a very long time in the bottles, but should nevertheless require less patience than the neighbouring ones.