Considerations On The World After…

We have all been stunned by the events of this year, and they raise many questions on the organization of society. Will the world be different after COVID ? To a small extent, probably. Will it be better or worse ? I do not know.

In France, as in many other countries, we have all been through an inconceivable experience, with all the economic and social activity coming to a stop. This period has been a very difficult one for some, but others told me they realized the value of time, they rediscovered their own children, they enjoyed the taste of the modest tasks done with no urgency, they may even have occasionally been bored with no real displeasure. The restriction of movements may paradoxically have brought a different liberty.

In big cities just as in my small village, birds were singing louder, more insects than ever were buzzing around and two swallows couples nested in my barn. Nature likes slowness, and it is not by chance if the address of the most emblematic winery in Burgundy is : rue du Temps Perdu (Wasted Time street), Vosne-Romanée.

So, if I dare make a wish, it will certainly not to be locked down for life, but it could be to take back some control on time. This will make us richer, not poorer.

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