David Grimal et Les Dissonances

His violin (well his other violin, not the stradivarius) is called “Don Quixote”. Who knows why…

David Grimal founded the orchestra “Les Dissonances” at Christmas 2003 with leading musician friends for a first audience of homeless people.

The orchestra has grown and aroused enthusiasm: presse

David Grimal has one requirement: ethics, in music and in society. He has a target: the establishment of megalomaniac leaders who exercise their dictatorship over a resigned and consenting assembly of “specialized music workers” playing music on a chain that becomes absurd.

Come see and listen to “Les Dissonances” (for example at the Opéra de Dijon, the best hall in France, it is said, where the orchestra is in residence). This conductorless orchestra radiates an irresistible and rarely seen joy of playing. And this happiness renews the music.

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